Data Science

Our Data Science services are coordinated by Jozsef Arato. We provide support and expertise in data modeling, and statistical analysis for the research projects carried out by the members of the Vienna CogSciHub. Interdisciplinary co-operations include, among others, joint research by art historians, psychologists, biologists, and linguists. We also collaborate with the Research Group Neuroinformatics, to foster collaborations between computer science students and cognitive scientist. Therefore, if you need data science help, that requires serious coding, please get in touch!

In weekly consultation hours (sign up here), we provide advice related to data modeling, machine learning, and statistics for the members of the Vienna CogSciHub. These meetings aim to give advice ("Help for self-help") to principal investigators and their project staff for the analysis of already existing data sets and the design of upcoming studies.  Furthermore, these consultations intend to foster the development of interdisciplinary collaborations that bridge the groups of the Vienna CogSciHub network.

Some of our focus areas are eye-movements, Bayesian methods, data simulations, and time series analysis.

Our Data Scientist Provides Support:

  • in the Planning Phase: Collaborate to prepare grant applications and pre-register studies to ensure the development of a viable analysis plan prior to data collection.  Utilize data simulations to inform and improve study design.
  • with Consultations: Provide expert guidance on data analysis, including both theoretical and practical aspects.
  • with Practical Assistance: While modern data analysis libraries enable most researchers to perform advanced analyses on their own, we also provide hands-on assistance through collaborations. This often involves the development of open source software tools that build on existing data science libraries and are tailored to the specific needs of cognitive scientists.
  • Focus of Expertise: Bayesian modeling, time-series analysis, eye movement analysis, pupil size analysis, computational cognitive science, machine learning, Python

Get in touch

For project ideas, requests, consultation times, please get in touch with us by filling out the contact form.