Showing entries 311 - 320 out of 440
Bottaro, G. M. (2016). Innovation by Mapping Mental Models – From Externalizing Implicit Knowledge to Identifying Potentials. In M. F. Peschl, G. Bottaro, & V. Hornung-Prähauser (Eds.), International Conference on Knowledge Management, ICKM 2016, 9-10 October 2016, Vienna, Austria
Speidel, K.-P. (2016). Des signes arbitraires aux affinités électives: Peindre contre les bornes imaginaires de l’imagination. In D. Ottinger (Ed.), Magritte. La trahison des images. (pp. 55-69). Editions du Centre Pompidou.
Golestani, N. (2016). How and When Does the Second Language Influence the Production of Native Speech Sounds: A Literature Review. Language Learning, 66, 155-186.
Rauchbauer, B., Majdandzic, J., Stieger, S., & Lamm, C. (2016). The Modulation of Mimicry by Ethnic Group-Membership and Emotional Expressions. PLoS ONE, 11(8), Article e0161064.
Kaisler, R. E., & Leder, H. (2016). Trusting the Looks of Others: Gaze Effects of Faces in Social Settings. Perception, 45(8), 875-892.
Sladky, R., Stepniczka, I., Boland, E., Tik, M., Lamm, C., Hoffmann, A., Buch, J. P., Niedermeier, D., Field, J., & Windischberger, C. (2016). Neurobiological differences in mental rotation and instrument interpretation in airline pilots. Scientific Reports, 6, Article 28104.
Bottaro, G. M., Hornung-Prähauser, V., & Peschl, M. F. (2016). Innovation-Lens - Method for Reflected Thinking Patterns supporting Trend-driven Innovation: Research-in-progress paper. In 17th ISPIM Innovation Conference, Porto 19-22th of June 2016
Lukitsch, O., & Schreiber, C. (2016). Down the "Preferred Path": Dispositional Flexibility Constitutes Phenomenal Character. Constructivist Foundations, 11(2), 367-368.
Showing entries 311 - 320 out of 440