ENA: Event Network Advancement
Period: November 2011 - November 2014
Principal investigator(s):
- A.o.Univ.-Prof. Dr. Markus Peschl
Cooperation partner(s):
- Mag. Dr. Lukas Zenk (Zentrum für Kognition, Information und Management, Donau-Universität Krems)
Funding program: FFG BRIDGE
Involved fields:
The goal of the applied research project "Event Network Advancement" (ENA) is to support networking of participants during events (e.g. conferences). Based on the field of social network analysis a variety of research questions will be posed and new communicative and technological applications will be developed together with business partners. On that account two areas will be examined and further developed: Innovative technologies to support communicative processes as well as integrative event designs to enable participants to exchange their knowledge more efficiently.