The Vienna Cognitive Science Hub at the University of Vienna links researchers across cognitive science and cognitive neuroscience to tackle major contemporary issues. Our mission is to enhance interdisciplinary research in cognitive sciences, aligning with the university’s strategic priorities on Systems of Life, Culture, Education, Democracy, and Global Health.

Interdisciplinarity is central to our approach. We embrace a broad view of cognitive sciences, merging traditional fields like psychology and computer science with humanities (e.g., art history, linguistics) and life sciences (e.g., cognitive biology). Our Network Associates use a broad range of methods, including eye-tracking, EEG, fMRI, and virtual reality.

The vision of the Vienna Cognitive Science Hub is to establish a unique profile in cognitive science that contributes basic and applied research to solve the significant issues of our time. We support both emerging and established researchers in developing innovative, high-risk projects, promoting multi- and transdisciplinary work with our broad range of services.


We enhance research by offering methodological expertise, research services in statistics and data science, subject recruiting, seed grants for proposal writing, interdisciplinary matchmaking, and access to research labs, promoting innovative and collaborative projects.


Educational programs associated with the CogSciHub are the ViennaDoctoralSchool CoBeNe (Vienna Doctoral School "Cognition, Behavior, Neuroscience") and MEi:CogSci (Middle European Interdisciplinary Master Programme in Cognitive Science).


Blanca Spee delivered a Keynote at the 2025 CoBeNe PhD Academy, we talked to her about her research into Parkinson's Disease: the worlds fastes...


Click here for a recap of the Vienna CogSciHub 2025 Postdoc Networking and Career Development Day


Valeria Vitale joined the GOLIAT and SOS-ZEROPOL teams as a post-doctoral researcher in January 2025.