Newspaper Article

Prof. Helmut Leder gave an interview for Austrian newspaper "Der Standard", in which he talks about how social media filters influence our perception...

Newspaper Article

Julia Egger, postdoctoral project manager in the RESONATE project, talks about her PhD research in Dutch newspaper "Het Parool".

Radio Appearance

Listen to Prof. Narly Golestani talk about her research on the role of prosody in langauge (and other things) in a special episode of the science and...

TV Appearance

A short insight into the research conducted at the EVA Lab aired on P.M. Wissen.

Newspaper Article

Prof. Narly Golestani and postdoctoral researcher Alessandra Rampinini speak on the connections between multilingualism and musicality in Swiss...

Newspaper Article

Natural phenomena such as sunrises and sunsets have a greater impact on our mental well-being than other ephemeral events like storms and rainbows,...