Third Mission

Helmut Leder spricht im ServusTV-Format "TM Wissen" über die zentrale Rolle von Farben für unser kognitives und emotionales Leben.

New Publication

A team from the University of Southern Denmark and the University of Vienna, including Vienna CogSciHub Deputy Speaker Tecumseh Fitch, shed light on...

Third Mission

Vienna CogSciHub Network Associate and Member of the Management Board Prof. Thomas Bugnyar was featured in Der Standard Podcast "Rätsel der...

New Publication

Mat White et al. recently published a paper on the effect of nature visits on subjective well-being in Health & Place.


On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the VHS science program, a science competition was held. Franz Roman Schmid represented the Vienna...


Vienna CogSciHub Senior Scientist Mat White gave a talk on "Urban nature can help mitigate the health effects of climate change" at the British...