
Wencke Groeneveld and Marthe Luise Herbst joined the Vienna Cognitive Science Hub as research interns in February 2024, working on projects with...

Am 15 Mai geht es in der Beaver Brewing Company ab 19:00 um Farbige Freude und Ketamin-Träume: Ein Trip durch aktuelle Forschungen zur...


Valentina Hampejs joined the RESONATE team as a predoctoral researcher in March 2024.


Stefan Schulreich gave a Brownbag Session titled "Learning and Decision Making under Uncertainty: Modulatory Influences of Stress and Nutrition" on...

In this recent publication, Markus F. Peschl writes about the relationship between creativity, innovation & novelty, generative AI/LLMs, future...

Third Mission

Helmut Leder spricht im ServusTV-Format "TM Wissen" über die zentrale Rolle von Farben für unser kognitives und emotionales Leben.