Website relaunched!


Our new website is online now

On October 1, 2016 we have officially relaunched our webpage. This demarcates a major change with respect to design and backend of the webpage. Its informational structures, however, was kept largely untouched.

The project of the relaunch was initiated by an initiative of the University of Vienna - to relaunch the webpages of its sub-organizations in the shape of its new corporate design. Another incentive was a duly update of the technical system behind the courtains (TYPO3).

We took the oppurtunity to revise and add some information on our organization (e.g. see the about-us and our projects pages), as well as implement some quality-of-life changes to the webpage (e.g. more prominent and context-depend contact information, simpler menu structure).

If you feel like sharing feedback with us, don't hesitate to get in touch with us (contact: