Description of the full-time position
The candidate for the tenure track position should have a strong focus on the translational and integrative potential of human cognitive neuroscience, at the interface of (social) brain, cognition, their disorders, and the microbiome. Research should be building upon a strong conceptual framework and interdisciplinarity. The methodological approach should focus on the interplay between neuro-cognitive processes and neural codes, and their relation to biological regulation systems driven by the microbiome, in humans.
Thematically, the focus should be on basic mechanistic research in the domains of (social) emotion and cognition, as well as their disorders, preferentially but not necessarily on topics such as social interaction, affiliation, or learning and memory.
While basic in nature, the research should hold potential to advance the translational understanding of mental and cognitive disorders, such as depression and autism, or of aging- related diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease, or Frontotemporal Dementia, respectively.
The position provides excellent opportunities to strengthen cross-institutional collaborative initiatives within the domain of neuroscience and microbiome research.
Access to job vacancy: direct link to full Tenure-Track Professorship advertisement
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