ERC Advanced Grant for Manuel Zimmer!


Manuel Zimmer receives an ERC Advanced Grant for further work on the understanding of the whole nervous system of C. elegans and Brain-Body-Environment interaction.

Manuel Zimmer is Professor for Neurobiology at the Faculty of Life Sciences and leads the Zimmer lab, he is also a network associate at the Vienna Cognitive Science Hub.

Just a couple of weeks ago, Manuel Zimmer and his team showed us around their lab in the Biology Building of the University of Vienna showing us how they collect behavioral and neural data of C. elegans, their study participant of choice. Yesterday (2022-07-21) the University of Vienna announced that Manuel Zimmer won an ERC Advanced Grant!

In the Zimmer lab, we are interested in how neural network dynamics in the brain represent sensory information and perform computations to generate decisions and subsequent behaviors. Moreover, we aim to explain fundamental properties of neuronal circuits, for example the need to sleep.  


Picture of Manuel Zimmer sitting

c. Manuel Zimmer